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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ৪ জুলাই ২০২৪

বাস্তবায়িত প্রকল্পসমুহ

SN No.


Scope Of Work

Funded By




Modernization of Telecommunication Network for Digital Connectivity

Installation of: i) IMS platform at three places ii) AGW & GPON system iii) Transmission system iv) IP system v) BOSS system

ADP (GoB & Government Concessional Loan of China)

01 July 2017 to June 2024

Total Project Cost: 331494.05, (GOB: 149766.11 (Equity:100082.595


Replacement of old Digital Telephone System of Dhaka city (171 KL)

1. NGN based Switching & MGW, MGC, Access gateway 2. PSDN, AAA, NMS 3. FTTX 4. XDSL 5. Optical Fiber 450 km.


01 Sep 2009 to 30 Jun 2013 Extended to 30 June 2014 Extended to 30 Sep 2014

24806.00 lac


ILDTS Policy-2007 Compliance Project.

1. Installation of IGW with NGN facility 2. Installation of ICX at Dhaka, Chittagong, Sylhet, Khulna & Bogra 3. Upgrading BTCL’s existing IIG 4. Central Billing System 5. Computerized Accounting System


01 Apr 2009 to 30 Sep 2013 Extended to 30 Apr 2014

10744.00 lac


Optical Fiber Cable Network development at Upzilla level (290 Upazilla)

1. Transmission equipment: STM16 & STM1 Mux 2. a) OFC Network from Upzilla to Union (11060 km) b) OFC Network Accessories 3. Balancing equipment (M/W, SDH Link, Sever ports etc.)


01 Jan 2013 to 31 Dec 2015, Extended to 30 Jun 2016

Local: 40470.48 lac, Foreign: 9457.66 lac, Total: 49928.14 lac


Optical Fibre Cable Network development in 1000 Union Parishad (1006 Union Parishad) Contact: Project Director, OFCNDP in 1000 UP Phone: 9320258 Project Summary (12Nov2014)

1. Transmission equipment : STM16 & STM1 Mux 2. a) OFC Network from Upzilla to Union (11060 km) b) OFC Network Accessories 3. Balancing equipment (M/W, SDH Link, Sever ports etc.)


01 (Jan 2012-30 Jun 2014 Extended to 30 Jun 2016)

Local: 49088.29 lac, Revised: 56824.02 lac, Foreign: 22818.15 lac, Revised: 15073.07 lac, Total: 71906.44 lac, Revised: 71807.09 lac (GoB Fund, Equity)


Telecommunication Network Development Project (TNDP) Contact: AGM, TNDP Phone: 9102712

1. NGN (IMS) based Telecommunication System with IN & Access Gateway 2. International Gateway Exchange (IGW) 3. National Transmission Backbone OFC Network 1400 km, SDH M/W link 4. Access Facilities-FTTX 5. Wireless Access-WLL 6. ADSL & DSLAM 7. 24/7 National Operation Center (NoC)


01 Jul 2009 - 30 Jun 2013 Extended to: 30 June 2015

GOB: 11350.72 lac, P.A: 50935.53 lac,

Total: 62286.25 lac


Installation of Optical Fiber Cable (OFC) Network at all Govt.College/University and Training Institute Project.Telejogajog Bhaban,37/E, Eskaton Garden, Dhaka-1000.Phone: 02-932-0326

1) Cable Purchased from BCS Khulna. 2) OSP Part on Full Turn-key Basis Package-01, Lot-1: Total 178 sites of Dhaka & Mymensingh Division. 3) OSP Part on Full Turn-key Basis Package-01, Lot-2: Total 235 Sites of Barishal, Chittagong, & Khulna Division. 4) OSP Part on Full Turn-key Basis Package-01, Lot-3: Total 174 Sites of Rajshahi, Rangpur & Sylhet Division 5) Equipment Part on full Turn-Key Basis” Package-02, Lot-1, Total 178 Sites of Dhaka & Mymensingh Divisions. 6) Equipment Part on full Turn-Key Basis” Package-02, Lot-2, Total 235 Sites of Barishal, Chittagong & Khulna Divisions.7) Equipment Part on Full Turn-key Basis Package-02, Lot-3: Total 174 Sites of Rajshahi, Rangpur & Sylhet Division.


July, 2018 to December, 2019

4498.00 lac


ILDTS Policy-2007 Compliance Project.

1. Installation of IGW with NGN facility 2. Installation of ICX at Dhaka, Chittagong, Sylhet, Khulna & Bogura 3. Upgrading BTCL’s existing IIG 4. Central Billing System 5. Computerized Accounting System


01 Apr 2009 to 30 Sep 2013 Extended to 30 Apr 2014

10744.00 lac